Britten, Benjamin, 1913-1976

Peter Grimes - Philips Classics , 1978. - 1,11,22 -

Cd.1. Prologue This unrelenting work; 4,35 Let this be a holiday; 2,40 Glitter of waves; 5,57 Act Two Interlude III; 2,38 Old Joe has gone fishing; 3,41 Now the Great Bear and Pleiades; 4,08 Have you heard; 1,25 We live and let live; 1,54 What harbour shelters peace; 1,30Interlude II Past time to close And do you prefer the storm; 5,21 Look, the storm cone!; 2,42 Let her among you; 2,30 I have to go from pub to pub; 2,02 Hi! Give us a hand; 3,29 Act One Oh,hang at open doors ; 5,17 Interlude I ; 3,44 The truthàthe pityà ; 2,01 Peter Grimes,I here advise you! ; 2,11 You sailed your boatt ; 3,24 Peter Grimes!; 1,35

Jon Vikers - Heather Harper - Jonathan Summers - Royal Opera House - Covent Garden - Sir Colin Davis.


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Juan N. Corpas
Personería Jurídica: Resolución 2105 03/29/1974
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