Taruskin, Richard 1945

Music in the late twentieth century / Richard Taruskin - 1 edición - New York : Oxford University Press, 2010. - 586 páginas : ilustraciones a blanco y negro, fotografías y partituras - The Oxford History of Western Music. Vol 5, Late twentieh century .

Contiene: créditos de arte, índice y lectura adicional

Starting from scratch. A new age. Cold War. Denunciation and Contrition. Breaking Ranks.Zero Hour. Polarization. Darmstadt. Fixations. “Total Serialism”. Disquieting Questions. Disquieting Answers. Solace in Ritual. Poster Boy. Indeterminacy. Means and Ends. Whose Liberation?. Ne Plus Ultra (Going as Far as You can Go). Purification and its Discontents. Permission. Music and Politics Revisted. Internalized Conflict. Conflicts Denied. New Notations. Preserving the Sacrosanct. The Apex. Conversions. “Mainstream” Dodecaphony. The Grand Prize. The Path to the New/Old Music. Requiem for a Heavyweight. Academicism, American Style. An Integrated Musical Time/Space. Full Realization. Another Cold War. Logical Positivism. The New Patronage and its Fruits. Elites and Their Discontents. Life Within the Enclave. But Can You Hear It?. Ultimate Realization or Reductio Ad Absurdum?. The Third Revolution. Tape. .An Old Dream. Come True. Generating Synthetic Sounds. A Maximalist Out of Season. “Real” Vs. “Pure”. The New Technology Spreads. The Big Science Phase. A Happy Ending. Big Questions Reopened. Reciprocity. Renaissance or Co-optation?. Standoff (I). History or Society?. Some Facts and Figures. A Modern Hero. Social Themes and Leitmotives. Allegory (But of What?). Exotic/Erotic. To Serve By Challenging. Standoff (II). Explain Nothing. From Populism to Problem Solving: an American Career. Theory: The Time Screen. Practice: The First Quartet. Reception. A Wholly Disinterested Art?. At the Pinnacle. The Sixties. What were They?. The Music of Youth. The British “Invasion”. Defection. Rock ‘N’ Roll becomes Rock. Fusion. Integration without Prejudice?. Radical Chic. A Harmonious Avant-Garde?. New Sites of Innovation. Legendary Beginnings. Music as Spiritual Discipline. A Contradiction in Terms?. “Classical” Minimalism. Secrets of Structure. “All Music is Folk Music”. A Postmodernist Masterwork?. “Crossover”: Who's on Top?. Disco at the Met. Americanization. Closing the Spiritual Circle. After Everything. Post Modernism?. Its Beginnings for Music. A Parenthesis on Collage. Collage as Theater. Apostasy. Esthetics of Pastiche. Accessibility. Cognitive Constraints?. Where to Go from Here?. One Proposal. The End of Soviet Music. Polystylistics. Millennium's End. Grand Old Men. Terminal Complexity. “Big Science” Eclipsed. Twentieth-Century “Orality”. Hobo Origins. Imaginary Folklore. A Feminine Redoubt. Music and Computers. The Elite Phase. Spectralism. “Then Along Came Midi!”. First Fruits. Modernists in Postmodernist Clothing?. A Glimpse of the Future?. Back to Nature?. Paying the Piper, Calling the Tune. .A New Topicality. A New Spirituality.



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